
Instructions for Contributors and Editors

I will update these instructions as I get feedback


Go to:

Login with your username and password.

From Dashboard, select Posts > Add New

Enter a Title and type some stuff into the edit box. You can add media like pictures or video.

On the right under the Categories, be sure to select the note category with your name on it. For example, Mel would check the box next to ‘Mel’s Notes’. This way, a year from now, if I want to see my note history, I just click on Todd’s Notes and I will get only those notes. If I want to see a chronological list of all of our notes, I would click on Beekeepers’ Notes and I will get all of our notes.

Tags can also be very useful in looking up old information. You can add as many tags as you like. You can see how the current post are tagged to get an idea. I decided that the first queen rearing event should be tagged as ‘qr1′ and our second try as ‘qr2′. You can search for tags.


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