Yearly Archives: 2014

August inspection of Hive 1

I haven’t inspected my hives in about six weeks. Primarily I have been looking forward to solving the mystery of the blue marked queens. The mystery may not be entirely solved, but I do have a few answers. It turns out that the queen that KZ and I marked with […]


Sally 2a did what?

I may be losing my mind – that would be a much easier explanation – or I just observed a very odd thing. I was looking into the two nucs with some bees, hives 5 and 6. Hive 5 is the cardboard box which is supposed to have my ‘banked’ […]

Extraction party

This past Saturday we gathered at Mel and Dawn’s house to do some honey extracting. Mel had the most to extract. I had a little bit. Kristien chose not to take any honey away from her bees this year, and Liz didn’t have any as all of her hives were […]
