Posts tagged landscape


Tiger lilies


The tiger lilies have started to bloom.  I know daylily connoisseurs don’t care much for them, but I love them because they take me back to my childhood


summers on the farm where we had a huge patch of them behind the house.  They always bloom about the time that the preying mantis hatchlings are everywhere and I remember spending so much time observing the little guys when I was a kid.  That big bed full of tiger lilies was just covered with what seemed like 1,000’s of mantis babies.  So tiger lilies = mantis babies = summer = kid on a farm – priceless.

view from the back deck

Back yard in June


I love this time of year when everything is so lush and green, well it was up until the heatwave the last few days anyway.  The landscape is still looking pretty good for the most part.  Pictures like this are great because you don’t really notice all the weeds mixed in.

view from the back deck

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